Lake Michigan Shoreline Protection

Michigan Shoreline Repair

Save our shoreline!

Lake Michigan Shoreline Property owners are in a constant battle with Mother Nature, and that’s not fair. Some of these battles include erosion brought on by everything from wind, waves, and rain; the destruction of plants by invasive species such as water chestnuts and Eurasian milfoil; the decrease in water quality due to nutrient pollution; and even changes in shoreline habitat that can lead to beach closures.

We install Lake Michigan shoreline protection with our erosion control and Earth retention services. We install steel seawalls and rock riprap seawalls, should you like a more natural approach. These help spare your shoreline and protect it from erosion. Our crane services can move the rocks into place or dig out the shoreline area to establish a good foundation for your seawall or the installation of your dock.

Lake Michigan is a place that is perfect for many things, including living. If you are looking for a place where you can hike, sail, and fish in the summertime or sled and ice skate in the wintertime, then all of these activities will be right at your fingertips.

In Lake Michigan, you can find everything from unpolluted air to clear water to natural wildlife that includes deer and bald eagles. The Great Lakes provide many opportunities for people to swim and explore all year long.

Lake Michigan is a great place to live if you want to spend your summers boating or hiking through nature while experiencing some of its best features.

Lake Michigan is a Great Place to Live, but some people might not realize that it is one of  the largest freshwater lakes in the world.

The Lake Michigan area has a lot to offer, whether you are looking for fun activities or a happy place to retire. One thing that makes this area so special is its clean air and refreshing water.

How can you protect your Lake Michigan Shoreline property?

Lake Michigan Shoreline property owners should protect their property from the effects of erosion. This is because the lake, although very beautiful, can affect your property in a negative way.

This includes planting trees and hedges alongside your shoreline to make it harder for sand to get in and cover up the shoreline. However, this is not a foolproof solution as it will take years for those plants to grow and show their effect.

The best way to protect your property from erosion is by installing sediment control structures at your shoreline such as breakwaters or groins that are made of boulders or concrete blocks. It’s also important to clean up any litter that you may see on your property so there would be less material for the water to erode away.

Protecting your Lake Michigan Shoreline property is essential to protecting yourself from the increasing risks of shoreline erosion.

In addition, if you’re an owner or a renter of property in the Lake Michigan shoreline region, you need to be aware of these threats and take steps to protect your house and land.

The risk of erosion is increasing as lake levels rise due to climate change. In addition, sea level rise from climate change means that waves will hit the shore at higher speeds than usual resulting in increased erosion.

If you are considering purchasing a home with a view on Lake Michigan, make sure that it’s located on a high spot with good protection against waves and wind.

Lake Michigan Shoreline Erosion Problems

Lake Michigan shoreline erosion is a huge problem that affects the homes of people living along the shoreline. It can cause your property to be washed away due to increased water levels, or have to rebuild your home due to a storm surge.

Some ways you can protect your property from Lake Michigan shoreline erosion are installing a dune system, building berms, and enhancing drainage systems.

Homes along the lake can be vulnerable to flooding and waves caused by erosion. These types of events can lead to expensive repairs for homeowners. There are ways that you can prevent this from happening, though!

Call today and let us help you protect your shoreline.  We offer a variety of unique shoreline services.  




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