Damaged Seawall

You want to preserve your land by maintaining your seawall whenever possible.  A damaged seawall can be really dangerous.  You need to take the time toDamaged Seawall West Michigan inspect your seawall from time to time.  It is much more cost-effective to fix your damaged seawall when the damage first begins than to wait as the damage will only get worse.  You should treat your seawall as you would your car.  As soon as there is something that seems off, have it check out by the professionals.

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Signs that your seawall might need to be replaced or repaired.

  • Look into the holes of the seawall and see if there is any soil settling.
  • Check the slabs are misaligned.  Do you see leaning, bowing, or cracking of any kind?
  • Look at the gaps in the seawall slabs, do you see any widening gaps or something that looks too large?
  • Are there rust stains on the seawall?
  • Are there missing chunks or cracks on the seawall that cause concern?

Soil Settling in holes

This is an early sign that your seawall may need to have professional look at it.  Soil settling in the holes means that there might be some erosion going on.  This could be the early warning sign that you are looking at an imbalance of pressure.  When it finally gives, you will have to replace the entire seawall. Call the professionals before you have that problem.  Let’s take a look at your seawall and the options you have going from here.

Seawall Slab Damage

The seawall is there under pressure.  When this pressure is out of balance you will see crazy things going on with your seawall such as misaligned, leaning, bowing, and even cracking. These are signs that you need to have your seawall looked at the right way so that we can fix that imbalance and protect your shoreline.

Widening Gaps or Large Gaps between the seawall slabs

This could be a sign of weakened joints.  If the slabs seem to have larger gaps in the joints, you might be looking at a seawall repair, if caught in time.  Seawall repair allows you to save the seawall and the cost of breaking it up and hauling it away, only to rebuild a new one.  Not all seawalls can be repaired, that will be up to a Michigan marine construction contractor.

Rust stains that are visible

Rust stains could be a sign that your seawall is eroding.  Take a closer look to see if the rust isn’t coming from something else that isn’t vital to the seawall’s structure.  If you cannot tell where the rust is coming from and it seems to be coming from the structure itself, you might want to have that looked at.

Cracks or small missing chunks of seawall’s cap

The cap is the very top of the seawall.  When there are large cracks or chunks missing this could lead to having the rebar exposed.  This exposure will allow water to get in and the rebar will start to rust.  Hence having the rust checked out as soon as you notice it. The rebar is important to the structure of the seawall, without it, it has little strength.  Call on your Michigan Marine Construction company today and have us take a look for you.



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