Pile driving is necessary in some cases for creating a deep immovable foundation for buildings. However, it can be used for all kinds of things from docks to seawalls to foundations for bridges and towers.
There are various ways to pile drive such as:
- Jetting
- Vibrating
- Impact
- Pile pressing.
Which method used will be determined by the ground and what is expected of the structure. There are various materials that we can use for pile driving such as Sheet pile, steel pipe, concrete, spun cast, Timber pile, silent piler, and large steel pile. Every application is unique and will be quoted as such. Click here for more.
West Michigan Pile Driving
West Michigan pile driving construction can assure that the structure is very sturdy. This is used quite often in marine applications where the structure is out in the water. Our team of experts are capable of all kinds of marine applications and have the proper equipment to do so. We have years of experience, which allows us to pull on that experience to ensure that the current situation is handled with proper care. This technique is perfect for deep foundations that allow buildings, bridges, electrical towners installations possible. Those large cement structures under a bridge are supported by piles that are driven deep into the Earth.
Our goal is to work closely with the structural engineers to ensure that our foundations are built to last. Many times this is used to ensure that rock or other more suitable foundations are found to build a structure on. This is used in marine applications but also in other building operations as well. Our team of experts can help assist with your next project both in the water and on land. We have all the heavy equipment necessary to ensure that this project is done correctly and delivered on time including crane services.

Pile Driving West Michigan
Lake Michigan Pile Driving
Call today and let’s work together on completing whatever is needed for your next projects. We are happy to assist in any way possible. If you aren’t sure what type of pile driving that you will need, we can assist with this as well.
Most of the time, everything is planned out for us by the structural engineers. We are happy to follow their instructions and give feedback if necessary. We are the heavy lifters and have done this for a very long time. Because of this, we have experience in what works and what doesn’t. We want you to have the most dependable foundation possible on your next project. Let’s work together to make that possible.