How Crane Services helps Small Contractors
There are huge developments going on in West Michigan. The housing industry is always sprawling and expanding. Construction contractors are busy and at times a crane service can make their jobs a whole lot better. However, purchasing this sort of equipment and having staff trained to use it can be more costly than most small and medium-sized construction companies want to deal with. We offer crane services in Western Michigan to assist contractors in the area. We also offer outcropping of West Michigan services, Repair damaged seawalls and land clearing of West Michigan.
Most cranes need inspections are required according to OSHA. While it is recommended that your crane is inspected at least once a year. If you have a crane that is used more often, the inspections should happen more often by a qualified crane inspection company. This too can be an additional cost that small and medium contractors don’t want to take on. Additionally, you can rent a crane, however, you need a certified and licensed crane operator to run it. These guys are typically not just laying around doing nothing. So finding someone can be an issue for those sized construction companies. This is why having crane services is important.
Seeking a professional Crane service in West Michigan
If you are a small or medium-sized contractor in West Michigan, you can count on Viking Marine Construction LLC to assist you with your crane needs. We work with clients in all different types of niches to ensure that you have your crane needs to be met. We can lift heavy objects far into the air, help set the rafters of a building and so much more.
Hiring a crane to lift heavy loads will help you as a contractor be more productive and save time. While some roofing contractors for example are hauling shingles up one bundle at a time, you work smarter and not harder. Having a crane lift the bundles up to the roof can save your back and also your budget. Paying for a crane and operator is going to save a lot of money in labor costs as well.
In addition to hiring a professional crane operator and crane, you will also have peace of mind that they come with insurance should any misfortunes happen along the way. Their insurance will cover damages that might be caused by a crane. However, damages by a professional such as Viking Marine Construction LLC are rare. Working with the same crane gives the operator advantage of having to work with a crane rental as well. They fully understand the capabilities.
Don’t delay, call today and let us quote you for your crane service needs.